Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tinsley is FIVE?!?!? Say WHAT?!

My girl is five.  Five years old!  I can't believe it. Here are some pictures of her day....

Sweet Uncle came over in the morning and gave her $10!  She can't wait to go to the store to pick something out.

Blakely Ashton enjoying her morning as well.

Tinsley opened 2 gifts in the morning from her little sisters. 

"Daddy" elephant to add to her collection and a Hello Kitty alarm clock that she can't wait to show Breanna.

Sweet girl

Ila Mae and Adelaide came over to celebrate.  Tinsley wanted to do real makeovers so I packed on the makeup... they loved it!


Angel Ila with her beautiful lipstick she applied herself.

Little Lady in the background haha

Sun kissed cheeks! ha

She loved it

Blakely got in on the action... gotta love the green eyeshadow! 

She loved it...

She really loved it....

A lot....


Waiting on lunch

During little sister's naps Tinsley got to open her presents from MiMi and Poppa.... Merida dress and a bow and arrow.  Tinsley was so excited!

Hair like Merida's

Figuring it out

She got really good!

On her "horse"


David's new favorite picture... mine too. The one eye closed... Oh I die!

Pop Pop and Mawmo came over and brought surprises!

What our family "party" looked like haha

Blakely was thrilled Tinsley was distracted.

Ready to open gifts.

"Kid scissors!"

"Glue!"  She's easy to please :)

This girl trips me out.... enjoying that cupcake!  Love my little Hollipop.

My everythings...


Blakely sneaking when she can..

Arts and crafts

Getting to stay up late to play

Tinsley is such a sweet girl. Last night she slept with me and David (something she wanted to do for her birthday) Many times she would snuggle in close, rub my arm, and squeeze me tight.  She loves us and I appreciate the sweet ways she shows it.  One of my favorite things she said today was, "Tonight I just want to spend time with our family."  She loves spending time with us...  something I hope never changes.  We are beyond blessed to have her in our family. She is smart and a thinker.  The questions she asks and the things she says always get me thinking and remind me of how special she is.
Happy Birthday to my sweet, loving, darling little five year old.  I love her more than I could ever say.


Whitney said...

She looks like a model!!! Girl, you got your hands full. Lol. Gosh I love those girls.

Gage said...

Haha! I love their cute make-overs! Especially Blakely, my word she is hilarious!

Please let Tinsley know we miss her and hope she had a wonderful day!